Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Eyes on the back of my head.

People ask me all the time what the advantages are of hiring a second photographer for your wedding. Someone to not just assist the main photographer, but to actually shoot and capture images from a second vantage point. I could go into a lengthy explanation about why it's worth the investment to have a second point of view, or about how one person can't possibly be in every spot at once, but I think I'll just let this set of images, of the same part of a ceremony, speak for themselves.

First gorgeous image by my friend, the always incredible Kym of Kym Vitar Photography, second shooting for Intuitive Images Photography. Second image by yours truly.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

That glow. {Orange County Maternity Photography}

You know how they say pregnant women have a "glow"? Yeah, I didn't have that. I was uncomfortable, sick, tired, and all around yuck. With all three.

Dana, on the other hand, looks like a Roman goddess.

She's calm, serene, and she really does glow. It's like love is radiating from her, from the inside out. I hope I did her beauty justice in these images.

Love you, Dana- can't wait to see that little love bug you're growing in there.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Life.

I don't have words for this one yet.

I'll write more when I can find more synonyms for the word love.