Saturday, April 17, 2010


The thing about vision is, you don't know if you don't have it.

By vision, of course, I mean an actual creative aesthetic, a premeditated purpose and intent with what you are creating. (Not just how your eyes see)

The same is true about style (see my previous post).

If you don't know you don't have something, it would make perfect sense that you believe you are operating under full capacity.  You plug along, playing with your little toys, thinking, "Oh, isn't that cute?", "Oh, I like the smile in this one."  All the while, never realizing that you are creating something with no emotion, no impact.  Sure, you can say you are, but then again, you don't have the vision, so your opinion is not fully informed.

 You can't learn vision.  You can't buy vision.  Vision isn't a Photoshop plug-in. 

Vision is having an understanding of who someone is, their tastes, how they see the world, and being able to create something in line with that.  True photos are not one size fits all. 

That's why I just can't believe how some people can buy all kinds of exterior crap, massive setups, fake backgrounds, silly props, etc. etc. etc. I'm not saying SOME of those things can't be an enhancement, at times.  What I'm saying is, that everything in a photo should speak to the purpose of the photo.  If you put a pair of bunny ears on a kid and tell them to hold a giant easter egg, what does that say about the child?  Absolutely nothing.  It says that you told them to put on a pair of bunny ears and hold a giant easter egg. And that's it.

But being with a new mother in her home, seeing how motherhood is changing her, understanding her view on the child that is in front of me, THAT informs a photo. Trying to create a photo that captures the intimacy and wonder of an ultrasound, and being successful. THAT is what I remember about good photos.  The feeling they exude.

As I mentioned before, I want to be a witness.  One of the things I love about photography is it's ability to capture.  And, if all you're capturing is something fake and forced, then what a waste of this art. 

I hope to always, ALWAYS be a witness to this artform rather than an outsider.

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