Monday, May 3, 2010

R, Year 4

This guy is so sweet.  His 4th birthday is next week, and the kid could not be more excited.  (Check back for photos of that party next weekend!) I can't remember the last time I saw a little boy who smiled so sweet or posed so well.  Just love him.  He came to take some photos for his birthday, but ended up running around in the water with my assistant the entire time!  Who would have imagined that this was the boy who was so apprehensive about sand that his aunt had to lay towels down as a path just to get him onto the beach!?  Luckily I got some good shots before he decided to play, because he was chasing waves, throwing rocks in the surf, generally having a blast and refusing to sit still! And I loved watching every second of it!

Happy Birthday, Little Man.

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