Wednesday, June 9, 2010


While waiting for clients at the park the other day, I decided to make the most of my time and photograph some of the flowers.  I'm not big on still life.  It's all about composition, and to me, it's kinda simple.  I like dealing with personalities better.  In any event, I shot a few cute little flowers here and there, and forgot about it.  When I opened the images, it kinda struck me. Hmmm. These would look so good with some texture!  So, my time-waster has now become a full collection. Sometimes serendipity just smacks you in the face, huh?

Now available in prints and canvas. :)

Creative Commons License


Anonymous said...

These pictures with the added texture/text would look great on the back (or front?) of stationary paper for penpals.

SteFUNie said...

Ah, good suggestion (yeah, with the words on it, it's a perfect fit)! I don't think my current lab does stationery but I'm going to look into it. Thanks Anastasia!