I've been delaying writing this post because.. well, there's just too much to say. Ahutoru Nui is a group of dancers and musicians from Tahiti, under the direction and tutelage of Anthony "Coco" Tirao. They hosted my dad and sister when they traveled there to compete in Tahiti's Heiva, which is the largest, oldest, most respected Tahitian dance and culture competition in the world. Ahutoru Nui is a group that embodies what I love about the Polynesian culture- they are warm, funny, generous, loving, talented people who give of themselves to the fullest. The dance and music just pours out of them, directly from their heart. They traveled here to the United States, and for many of them it was the first time they had ever been off their own island. I had the honor and pleasure of photographing their only Southern California performance at Pearson Park in Anaheim. It was a beautiful exchange of culture and art, and I am so blessed to know them and to be a part of it.
The Dress Rehearsal
Next post: the actual show. :)