Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sweet Baby James

My friend, Claire 's sister, Noa, went into labor with her first child.  Being the kind and sensitive friend I am, my first reaction was, "Can I take his picture??!?!?"  Okay, maybe not as deperate as that.  But not far from it.  I know this family, and their genes are impressive.  I knew this kid was going to be beautiful.  Meeting him and his family on his fifth day of life in their Burbank bungalow, I was not, however, prepared for how incredibly beautiful.  I told Noa, the moment I met them, that some babies take a while to get cute.  Some babies take a long while. That's why newborn sessions can be a crapshoot. You just never know how wrinkly, scaly, hairy, fussy, or generally alien-like they're going to be.  But this guy.  THIS guy.

An absolute angel.

(I hear his nighttime persona is a bit different, but for the sake of this post, I'll ignore that.)  So sweet, so calm.  So accomodating to any pose I put him in.  I'm generally not a big fan of putting babies in weird, unnatural poses, so that's helpful, but man, James was a breeze.

Have I mentioned how much I love doing this?  Here's why. 

Noa never wanted kids.  Never dreamed of it.  And when she had James, she felt the love that we all feel as parents, and it's changing her. In amazing ways.  And as this beautiful boy grows and changes, and learns, and loves her with this unconditional love, she's going to be able to look at these images of his first week alive, and remember the moment that changed who she is.

post script: He might also be the Messiah.  We're not sure yet.


Liz Mikkelsen said...

You are a true artist. Your understanding of your subject is not limited to the physical but transcends the spiritual.

SteFUNie said...

Liz, that might be the single best compliment I have ever received. Thank you.

Claire Bear said...

My mom totally just said it all for me. That was amazing Steph. I am literally wiping tears right now.

SteFUNie said...

Is it weird that I was crying while writing it? :)