Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I've discovered that I'm a better photographer when I take time to photograph for myself. When I'm only photographing clients and nothing else, it starts to get to be too much about them.  I mean, of course, it has to be about them, to an extent, that's sort of the point (obviously).  But I feel sometimes that my creative tank starts to empty, and I need to shoot for myself to be able to recharge that battery (sorry for the mixed metaphor, but you know what I mean..) So I took my 6 year old to the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival for a little bit on Memorial Day.  I got to take some shots just because, and I gotta say, I absolutely love them.  While we were on the ferris wheel, the couple in front of us was just so adorable and in love, I couldn't help but take some shots of them.  I hope they email me like I told them to so I can get these shots to them.  Anyway, it's funny how something so easy and simple can refresh your perspective. 

Now I'm ready for more.  Bring on the clients!!!

(P.S.- You can always click on each photo here on the blog to see it full-sized!  Totally worth it- they look better larger. :) )

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

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